Further to my previous post, there are other important principles that the Northern’ Arts Based Research Methodology as outlined by Jokela (2008) that have relevance for my own practice as an Artist Teacher. Jokela’s emphasis on the concept of wandering: “it is the constant change of place that is crucial, not the destination (p. 21) is very significant to my own aspirations for my VAP this year in that this idea of wandering and discovery rather than destination is at the core of what I want to do.
Jokela’s work also serves as a guide and justification for the possibilities opened up through this research methodology. This value of this approach is further advocated by Ingold (2007) in his discussion of the concept of traveling as either a ‘wayfaring’ journey of discovery or ‘transport’ to a specific destination. The wayfaring approach has, as Ingold (2007, p. 81) describes, “no ultimate destination, no final point with which they are seeking to link up” rather “there is always somewhere further one can go [and] it is in the movement from place to place that knowledge is integrated” (p91). Knowledge and understanding can be discovered, cumulatively built upon and thus integrated into our existing schemata as we progress “along a path of movement” (Ingold, 2007, p. 91)
Dr. Ella Chimielewska in her introductory remarks to the study “Zonzo” defines this approach as "A mode of mobile wondering, of walking as thinking" (p. 9). It is as though “research becomes a process of exchange that is not separated from the body but emerges through an intertwining of mind and body, self and other, and through our interactions with the world” (Irwin and Springgay, 2008, p. xxii).
Ingold, T., 2007. Lines, A Brief History. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge
Irwin, R. and Springgay, S., 2008. A/r/tography as Practice-Based Research. In: Springgay, S., Irwin, R., Leggo, C., and Gouzouasis, P. eds. 2008. Being with A/r/tography. Rotterdam: Sense. (pp. xix-xxxiii).
Jokela, T., 2008. A Wandering Landscape: Reflections on the Relationship between Art and the Northern Environment. In: Coutts, G., and Jokela, T. eds., 2008. Art, Community and Environment. Bristol: Intellect. Ch 1.
Chimielewska, E., 2009. Forward. In: Urbanstudio. 2009. Zonzo. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.