Tuesday, 30 October 2012


I have been reading a very interesting publication called 'Zonzo' which describes a form of urban exploration of Edinburgh and Florence using walking as the primary medium. The research is presented in a number of different papers, with accompanying images.

The premise for the study is outlined as follows:

"Zonzo (from the Italian andare a zonzo "to stroll, walk aimlessly") in Italian is used exclusively within the context of walking. Here the term is appropriated as a metaphorical device for urban exploration, describing the act of setting out on a journey through the urban fabric that does not follow a pre-written itinerary, objective or path. Rather it designates an openness on the part of the explorer to cultivating impressionistic engagement, eventually settling on objects / people / places of interest, and then following that thread to a micro level." (Urbanstudio, 2009, preface)

I found this really resonated with my own interests for my visual arts practice this year and that this premise is strongly linked to my own thoughts on how to progress. In particular I liked the idea of settling on a specific 'aspect' and then following the 'thread' to a 'micro level'. There my work differs from that of the studies presented in 'Zonzo' as the micro level for me is found through following an open, exploratory thread of the transformation of an image of a specific aspect of the area traversed.

Urbanstudio, 2009. Zonzo: Exploring the Urban Fabric. Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh.

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